The Seller of the Service is a legal person – company “VIRGINIA” ITN 7701933880 set up according to the Russian Legislature № 1117746780580 dated 04.10.2022 (further refferred to as COMPANY).
The Buyer of the Service is a physical person – an Internet user registered in the reservation system on the site of the COMPANY.
To use the reservation system the legal persons shall first conclude the agreement. Using the reservation system the Buyer forms his application for the Service himself and sends it to the COMPANY.
The COMPANY confirms the receiving of the application by giving it a unique ID number, after that the Buyer gets access to payment.
The application shall not be considered without payment. The Buyer is responsible for the flight information . In case of wrong flight information
the COMPANY cannot guarantee the performance of the application. So, please leave your telephone number and e-mail for urgent connection.
payment through bankcards To pay (enter your card details), you will be redirected to the PJSC payment gateway Platron. The connection with the payment gateway and the transfer of information is carried out in secure mode using SSL encryption protocol. If your bank supports the technology of secure online payments Verified By Visa, MasterCard SecureCode, MIR Accept, J-Secure, you may also need to enter special password. This site supports 256-bit encryption. Confidentiality reported personal information is provided by LLC RNKO «Edynaya kassa». The entered information will not be provided to third parties with the exception of cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Bank card payments are carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the payment systems MIR, Visa Int., MasterCard Europe Sprl, JCB.
The applications for VIP rooms at the Sheremetyevo formed after 21.00 are considered as urgent. Cancellations application for service at airports in Moscow before two hours (in the Pulkovo, Domodedovo VIP and Domodedovo CDA three hours, Vnukovo for houars), money is returned in full, otherwise penalty 100%. The cost of the service is returned with deduction of bank commission 2.4%. (incl. and urgent application). In case a passenger didn’t use VIP rooms service due to the airline or airport fault his money would be returned the cost of the service is returned with deduction of bank commission 2.4%. to the card from which the payment had been made. Complaints are received only within 14 days after the arrival/departure. The tel: +7 (499) 653-58-13 or
The passenger shall arrive at the airport not later than 1,5-2 hours before the departure and give his name and flight number at the entrance to the VIP-room (to a security). In the VIP room the passenger checks-in, leaves his baggage and goes through the customs and passport control. Before boarding (20-30 min) the passenger can be in a restaurant zone (food and drinks are paid separately). After the boarding is announced the passenger is invited to the Gate (or exit) and is accompanied to the plane.
On arrival a VIP room representative meets the passenger at the ladder with a VIP table in hand and accompanies him to the VIP room where the passenger goes through the customs and passport control. The baggage is delivered to the VIP room too.
The list of personal data subject to collection of processing on the website is established in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data". The processing of personal data is carried out solely for the purpose of providing services for which the subject of personal data applies to the operator's website. Continuing to use the site and its services, the subject of personal data confirms the acceptance of this Policy in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data".