Arkhangelsk, Talagi, Terminal Business lounge (Domestic)

The cost of service in Arkhangelsk, Talagi, Terminal Business lounge (Domestic),RUB

Passengers Basic Urgent
1 adult 2760 2760
2 adults 2760 2760
3 or more adults 2760 2760
Child up to 12 years 50% 50%
Infant up to 2 years 0 0

About lounge

Arkhangelsk, Talagi, Terminal Business lounge (Domestic)

The Domestic Airlines Business Lounge is located on the second floor of Pavilion 3. 

Departure procedure

Passenger goes through check-in and security check on his/her own. At the entrance to the Business lounge, you must introduce yourself to the employee and show your boarding pass. Then the passenger is accommodated in comfortable waiting lounge. Time of stay is no more than 4 hours.

When boarding begins, the passenger enters general hall and independently passes to the necessary exit.

Children under 2 years are served free of charge, from 2 to 12 years - with a 50% discount of the adult fare.


Lounge location